Terms and Conditions

Asia Eraone Co., Ltd. welcomes all users to www.asisaeraone.com website created to distribute news, information and other services for products/services for our members (collectively referred to as “Services”). In using the site, you will be subject to the following terms and conditions and are encouraged to read through them before using our Services. Upon using the Services, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions described herein. If you do not intend to be bound to terms and conditions, you may stop visiting and using this website immediately.

1. Terms of Service

This website is conducted to provide convenience for members and those who are interested in using our Services. The information displayed herein is used to support your consideration of using the Company’s Services. The Company reserves the right to suspend the distribution, adjustment, amendment, disposing and update of information at any time without prior notice.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

The Company takes ownership in the copyright or intellectual property rights in contents presented in this website which include texts, articles, images, videos, audio recordings, graphics or computer programs (collectively referred to as “Contents”) unless explicitly stated otherwise. The Company has rights and authority to control the use of such Contents and prohibits the duplication, modification, storage, transfer, imitation, public distribution or any actions that are deemed as an infringement of the copyright or intellectual property rights without a prior consent in writing from the Company except for using, printing or downloading the Contents on the website for personal use in which users do not need to remove the information on copyright or intellectual property rights from such Contents.

3. Reservation

The information appeared on this website is collected from several sources and presented as is based on the reliable sources. However, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy or completion of the information to be used in commercial or other purposes. Service receivers shall use their own judgement and shall be informed that articles, suggestions or feedbacks presented in this website still belong to the sources of information and do not constitute that the Company agrees or accepts such articles, suggestions or feedbacks unless explicitly stated otherwise.

4. Personal Information Protection Policy

Please visit Asia Aeraone Co., Ltd.’s Privacy Policy for more details on personal information protection policy for service receivers.

5. Access Rights

The Company reserves the right to update or amend the website or contents contained herein at any time and reserves the right to reject or limit the access to this website from anyone or any IP address without notifying or indicating the reasons for that action.

6. Disclaimer

The Company is not liable for any damages including damages, losses or expenses incurred, either directly or indirectly, as a result of or as a consequence of the use of this website by users or the connection between other websites and this website or damages, losses or expenses that result from the failure of usage, error, exclusion, disruption, defect, deficiency and computer virus even though the Company has been notified of such damages, losses or expenses incurred. The Company is also not liable for any demands from the website’s users or any persons incurred on the website or any contents including any decisions or actions that are resulted from users’ trust in such contents or in any direct or indirect damages, including other damages that may occur. Service receivers accept and realize that the Company shall not be responsible for any actions of the service receivers.

7. Indemnification

In the event of damages to the Company resulting from prosecution, enforcement of claims, indemnification of any liabilities or expenses (including attorney’s fee) incurred as a result of the use of website by the service receivers, the service receivers shall provide such indemnity to the Company whether such cases are resulted from the service receivers’ failure to comply with this Terms of Service.

8. Website Usage Disclaimer

The Company reserves the right to change or suspend the use of this website at any time without notice to the service receivers and without any responsibility to the service receivers or third parties. In the event of any changes on the website, it shall be deemed that the service receivers agree to such changes and the Company may reject the use of all or part of the website without a prior notice.

9. Applicable Law

Interpretation and enforcement of Terms of Service is subject to Thai law.

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LogoAsia Era One Company Limited
18 True Tower,
Ratchadaphisek Road, Huay Kwang,
Bangkok 10310, Thailand
Call Center
The images on the website are mock-ups for PR purposes only.